Thursday, 27 December 2012

Evidence Updates 2012

Here is a list of NHS Evidence Updates for 2012. They aim to provide a summary of new published literature on a particular topic. Evidence Updates highlight key points from the new evidence and provide a commentary describing its strengths and weaknesses. They also indicate whether the new evidence may have a potential impact on current guidance.

Have a look and see what you think. 

Psychosis with coexisting substance misuse : Evidence Update December 2012 
Lung cancer : Evidence Update November 2012

Peritoneal dialysis : Evidence Update November 2012

Management of stable angina : Evidence Update September 2012

Generalised anxiety disorder in adults : Evidence Update September 2012

Nocturnal enuresis : Evidence Update July 2012

Constipation in children and young people : Evidence Update June 2012 

Hypertension in pregnancy : Evidence Update May 2012
Sedation in children and young people : Evidence Update May 2012

Improving outcomes in head and neck cancers : Evidence Update May 2012 

Familial breast cancer : Evidence Update May 2012

Food allergy in children and young people: Evidence Update May 2012

Delirium : Evidence Update April 2012

Depression : Evidence Update April 2012
Transient loss of consciousness : Evidence Update March 2012

Alcohol-use disorders : physical complications : Evidence Update March 2012
Depression in adults with a chronic physical health problem : Evidence Update March 2012

Neonatal jaundice : Evidence Update March 2012

Lower urinary tract symptoms: Evidence Update March 2012

Venous thromboembolism: reducing the risk: Evidence Update February 2012 

Metastatic malignant disease of unknown primary origin : Evidence Update February 2012
Chronic obstructive pulmonary Disease: Evidence Update February 2012
Bacterial meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia: Evidence Update January 2012  

Pregnancy and complex social factors: Evidence Update January 2012    

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

New subscription - UpToDate

UpToDate is a ‘point of care’ evidence-based information resource. It includes original content that is written, reviewed and continually updated by a faculty of more than 5,100 leading clinicians.  Source material includes 460 journals, medical databases, published clinical trial data and conference proceedings.  There are over 9,500 topics in 19 specialties, many with graded treatment recommendations.

Access UpToDate in the following ways:
The subscription has been funded with kind support from the Medical Education Committees at Alexandra Hospital.

If you have any questions about how to access and make best use of UpToDate please contact your local health library.

Monday, 3 December 2012

Drop in training sessions

Drop-in training

Just like Santa, Worcestershire Health Libraries are dropping in this December with something good! 

update your searching skills…discover new resources…solve problems…do research…find evidence…ask for help

Our informal drop-in sessions are there so you can come along and get the help you need. Don’t drown in a sea of information…just drop-in!

5th  Dec.       1.00pm  -  3.00pm     Tenbury CH

12th Dec.    11.30am –   1.30pm     Catshill Clinic

12th Dec.    2.30pm  –    4.00pm    Pershore CH

13th Dec.   12.00pm -     2.30pm    Upton HC

13th Dec.     2.00pm  –    4.00pm    POWCH

14th Dec.     1.00pm  -     3.00pm   Moor Street

18th Dec.    12.00pm –    2.30pm   Malvern CH

19th Dec.    12.00pm -     2.30pm   Prospect View

Call us beforehand to be sure of your place!

Richard Brook: 01527 505771

David Chamberlain: 01527 505770

Monday, 19 November 2012

Summer Reading Challenge

Over the summer, Worcestershire Health Libraries joined forces with Worcestershire Public Libraries to offer a reading challenge for staff to read six books over the summer period (beginning of July – end September). There was a prize draw for those who completed the challenge with prizes donated by the public library and some local businesses.

Why did we do this?Reading is one of the simplest forms of relaxation. The pressures of the modern working day and the television and computer game culture we live in often hide the pleasure and benefits of reading. Research has also shown that reading for pleasure helps encourage people to try other kinds of learning.

Congratulations to our winners and runners-up who successfully completed the challenge!
The response of those undertaking the challenge has been enthusiastic and we will be maintaining a small collection of fiction for staff to borrow in each of our libraries with the continued support of the public libraries in Worcestershire.

Look out for the national six book challenge 2013! This will run from January to June 2013.  All those who complete the challenge will be entered into a national prize draw.
Details will be publicised before Christmas.

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Map of Medicine 3.0

Map of Medicine 3.0 is now live. To access the new version please visit today (you will need an Athens account or a smartcard).

Your new-look Map of Medicine offers:
  • A new search engine, complemented by a suite of new navigation tools 
  • A to Z directory
  • Bookmarking of pathways
  • Browsing history
  • ‘Find in page’ feature
  • Local pathways widget
  • Specialty browser
  • Local ‘Announcements’ feature
  • Local pathways widget
  • Prioritised local search results
To find out more about the Map of Medicine please contact 

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Quote of the Day

“To study the phenomena of disease without books is to sail an uncharted sea, while to study books without patients is not to go to sea at all.”

Sir William Osler (1849- 1919)

Friday, 6 July 2012

Managers' Information Site Survey

As we hope you are aware, Worcestershire Health Libraries have always supported clinicians by providing evidence to facilitate best practice.

We also aim to help other staff groups, including managers, both clinical and non-clinical. We have produced a “current awareness” service to provide managers with news, statistics, details of newly published articles, links to useful web-sites, quick access to Worcestershire Health Libraries services and resources. etc.

Whilst we have tried to include information that we think will be useful to you, we need to know what you think of it, and to hear how you think it could be made more relevant to your information needs. We should be grateful if you could try the beta version of the site at:

Once you have tried the site, please complete the quick  (10 question) survey available at:

Thank you.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Free trial to BMJ Best Practice

What is Best Practice?
Best Practice is a ‘point of care’ evidence-based information resource.  It combines the latest research evidence (including content from Clinical Evidence), guidelines and expert opinion – presented in a step-by-step approach, covering prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.

According to BMJ “Best Practice provides a second opinion in an instant, without the need for checking multiple resources”.

When and Where?
The trial is running throughout July 2012.

Access (no login needed) from the Clinical Systems page of the Acute Trust Intranet.  ( 
So, what did you think?
We really need your feedback to help us decide whether this is a useful resource for staff.  You will see a link to our short feedback form (in the right-hand panel) once you have carried out a searchPlease give us your views, it will only take a minute.

Please look out for a similar trial to UpToDate ( in September 2012.

Thursday, 28 June 2012


The NICE BNF app is available free for all iPhone and Android smartphone users from Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

You will need to enter your NHS Athens username and password to activate the app and download the content. Once you've downloaded it, you will be able to browse and search full content from BNF, receive notifications when new editions and updates are available, bookmark content and even choose your preferred reading settings.

The app can be run without an internet connection, meaning that you'll be able to access the BNF wherever you are.

Healthcare staff in Worcestershire can register for an Athens account by visiting our website ( and clicking on 'Create an Athens account' in the left column. If you can do this on an NHS computer, you will receive an email with instructions on choosing a password and activating the account straightaway. If you register outside the NHS network, there will be a delay of up to 2 weeks and you must use a professional/academic/NHS email address.

Monday, 18 June 2012

Stay up-to-date in Mental Health

If you are interested in the latest research in the field of mental health then have a look at our sister blog HERE 

You will find all the latest news and research in mental health available through your local health library.

Friday, 1 June 2012

NICE Guidance app released

The official NICE Guidance app is now available to download for users of Android and iPhone smartphones.

The free app allows quick and easy access to all of NICE's recommendations and advice, and has been developed in response to demand from users of NICE guidance.

Aimed at healthcare professionals including doctors, nurses and medical students, the app allows users to search, browse and explore all of the guidance produced by NICE.

More than 760 pieces of NICE guidance are contained, such as clinical guidelines on COPD, hypertension and stroke and the app is automatically updated whenever access to the internet is available.

Guidance is arranged by clinical or public health topic, and particular sections can be bookmarked for easy access, or sent via email.

Other features include receiving automatic updates and new guidance as soon as it is published on the NICE website, adjustable font size for readability, and the ability to 'swipe' between chapters when looking at guidance.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

NHS Evidence Healthcare Databases - redesign

The new features of HDAS include:

  • Clearer screen designs and styles
  • Advanced search – search screen
  • Improved thesaurus layout and functions
  • Advanced search – search preview.

Please note the following training resources are available:

Healthcare Databases Advanced Search redesign: What’s new leaflet 

Healthcare Databases Advanced Search: Redesign presentation

Healthcare Databases Advanced Search: A short guide

If you have any questions surrounding the launch of the new Healthcare Databases Search please contact staff at your local library.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

NHS Evidence Updates

Evidence Updates

Evidence Updates are publications produced by NICE that provide a summary of selected new evidence published since a literature search was last conducted for the accredited guidance in a particular field. They identify new evidence that might reinforce or generate future change to the practice laid out in the guidance, and should be read in conjunction with the relevant clinical guideline.

Please note: Evidence Updates do not replace current accredited guidance and do not provide formal practice recommendations.
More information about the process.

Key Benefits of Evidence Updates  
  • They reduce the need for individuals, managers and commissioners to search for new evidence.
  • They can provide reassurance that current guidance remains valid but also inform guidance developers of new evidence in their field that might generate future change to practice.
  • They are an aid to continuing professional development, policy development, service delivery planning and commissioning.

Published Evidence Updates - by specialty

Blood and immune system



Central nervous system

Digestive system (liver diseases)

Gynaecology, pregnancy and birth

Infectious diseases

Mental health and behavioural conditions




The information on here is aimed at keeping the user up-to-date with news and resources available through the library. We take no responsibility for any actions taken due to the content of the site.