Friday, 6 July 2012

Managers' Information Site Survey

As we hope you are aware, Worcestershire Health Libraries have always supported clinicians by providing evidence to facilitate best practice.

We also aim to help other staff groups, including managers, both clinical and non-clinical. We have produced a “current awareness” service to provide managers with news, statistics, details of newly published articles, links to useful web-sites, quick access to Worcestershire Health Libraries services and resources. etc.

Whilst we have tried to include information that we think will be useful to you, we need to know what you think of it, and to hear how you think it could be made more relevant to your information needs. We should be grateful if you could try the beta version of the site at:

Once you have tried the site, please complete the quick  (10 question) survey available at:

Thank you.

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The information on here is aimed at keeping the user up-to-date with news and resources available through the library. We take no responsibility for any actions taken due to the content of the site.