Monday, 19 November 2012

Summer Reading Challenge

Over the summer, Worcestershire Health Libraries joined forces with Worcestershire Public Libraries to offer a reading challenge for staff to read six books over the summer period (beginning of July – end September). There was a prize draw for those who completed the challenge with prizes donated by the public library and some local businesses.

Why did we do this?Reading is one of the simplest forms of relaxation. The pressures of the modern working day and the television and computer game culture we live in often hide the pleasure and benefits of reading. Research has also shown that reading for pleasure helps encourage people to try other kinds of learning.

Congratulations to our winners and runners-up who successfully completed the challenge!
The response of those undertaking the challenge has been enthusiastic and we will be maintaining a small collection of fiction for staff to borrow in each of our libraries with the continued support of the public libraries in Worcestershire.

Look out for the national six book challenge 2013! This will run from January to June 2013.  All those who complete the challenge will be entered into a national prize draw.
Details will be publicised before Christmas.

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