Thursday, 28 June 2012


The NICE BNF app is available free for all iPhone and Android smartphone users from Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

You will need to enter your NHS Athens username and password to activate the app and download the content. Once you've downloaded it, you will be able to browse and search full content from BNF, receive notifications when new editions and updates are available, bookmark content and even choose your preferred reading settings.

The app can be run without an internet connection, meaning that you'll be able to access the BNF wherever you are.

Healthcare staff in Worcestershire can register for an Athens account by visiting our website ( and clicking on 'Create an Athens account' in the left column. If you can do this on an NHS computer, you will receive an email with instructions on choosing a password and activating the account straightaway. If you register outside the NHS network, there will be a delay of up to 2 weeks and you must use a professional/academic/NHS email address.

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