Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Latest COVID-19 Research & Evidence — 22/10/20


Worcestershire Health Libraries: 

Latest COVID-19 Research & Evidence — 22/10/20




Title: Epidemiological changes on the Isle of Wight after the launch of the NHS Test and Trace programme

Description: The NHS Test and Trace programme was first rolled out on the Isle of Wight and included version 1 of the NHS contact tracing app. This study preliminarily assesses the programme’s epidemiological impact.

Available from:


Title: Prevalence of posttraumatic stress symptoms in health care workers after exposure to patients with COVID-19

Description: Gender, work stress, job risk, levels of fear and anxiety, and depression outcomes were studied.

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Title: Safety and Immunogenicity of Two RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates

Description: Multiple vaccine candidates are under development, but no vaccine is currently available. This article details findings from an ongoing, placebo-controlled, observer-blinded, dose-escalation, phase 1 (of 3) trial.

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Title: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection in Pregnancy

Description: This document aims to provide guidance to healthcare professionals who care for pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Title: COVID-19 diagnosis and management (Updated 16/10/20)

Description: The BMJ COVID-19 clinical guidance page provides information on the theory, diagnosis, management, and follow-up of COVID-19 infection.

Available from:


Expert Opinions


Title: COVID-19 pandemic is magnifying healthcare inequalities, says England’s regulator

Description: Existing “fault lines” in health and social care services could be worsened by COVID-19, but the overall quality of care has been maintained so far despite the impact of the COVID-19, says England’s healthcare regulator.

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Title: Living with COVID-19

Description: This rapid and dynamic review draws on the lived experience of patients and expert consensus as well as published evidence to better understand the impact of ongoing effects of COVID-19.

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