Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Latest COVID-19 Research & Evidence — 15/10/20


Worcestershire Health Libraries: 

Latest COVID-19 Research & Evidence — 15/10/20




Title: COVID-19 Pandemic’s Effects on Disease and Psychological Outcomes of People With Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Portugal

Description: Explored are links between variables related to the COVID-19 pandemic and psychological outcomes.

Available from:


Title: Remdesivir for the Treatment of Covid-19 — Final Report

Description: Results from a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of intravenous remdesivir in adults who were hospitalized with COVID-19 and had evidence of lower respiratory tract infection.

Available from:


Title: Clinical impact of molecular point-of-care testing for suspected COVID-19 in hospital (COV-19POC)

Description: A study investigating molecular point-of-care testing in patients aged 18 years or older presenting with suspected COVID-19 to the emergency department or other acute areas of Southampton General Hospital.

Available from:




Title: COVID-19 rapid guideline: antibiotics for pneumonia in adults in hospital (Updated 09/10/20)

Description: The purpose of this guideline is to ensure the best antibiotic management of suspected or confirmed bacterial pneumonia in adults in hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Available from:


Title: Treatment for COVID-19: An overview

Description: Here, the authors provide an overview of the current pharmacological intervention employed against SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Available from:


Expert Opinions


Title: Mental health: time to invest in quality

Description: “At the best of times, good mental health is needed for a society to thrive. During a pandemic, good mental health is more important than ever”.

Available from:


Title: Beyond COVID-19— a paradigm shift in infection management?

Description: The population at risk of severe COVID-19, including elderly, immunocompromised, and multimorbid people, largely overlaps with the population at risk of health-care-associated infections (HAIs). The link is discussed.

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