Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Worcestershire Health Libraries: Latest COVID-19 Research —07/04/20

Title: A novel presentation of COVID-19 via community acquired infection
Description: A visual case discussion of a 76 year old male patient who presented with his wife for altered mental status and lethargy.

Title: Vertical Transmission of Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19) from infected Pregnant Mothers to Neonates
Description: There is a concern that fetuses may be at risk of congenital COVID-19. The researchers reviewed this risk of vertical transmission by using relevant data (up to March 4).

Title: Thrombocytopenia is associated with severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infections
Description: The authors investigated whether platelet count could differentiate between COVID-19 patients with or without severe disease; and they also evaluated if thrombocytopenia is associated with severe COVID-19.

Title: Severe Asthma
Description: The purpose of this guideline is to maximise the safety of adults and children with severe asthma    during the COVID-19 pandemic, while protecting staff from infection.

Title: Managing symptoms (including the end of life) in the community
Description: This guideline also includes recommendations about managing medicines for these patients, and     protecting staff from infection.
  Title: COVID-19 and experiences of moral injury in front-line key workers
Description: Moral injury is defined as the profound psychological distress which results from actions, or the lack of them, which violate one’s moral or ethical  code.

Title: Covid-19 will make us stop some activities for good
Description: In this acute perspective,  the author describes how the healthcare environment might change (with regards to staffing and practices) following the pandemic.

For additional support on accessing the publications above, visit www.wkp.nhs.uk

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