Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Worcestershire Health Libraries: Latest COVID-19 Research — 21/04/20

Title: The characteristics of household transmission of COVID-19
Description: The secondary attack rate of SARS-CoV-2 in households was found to be 16.3%. Ages of contacts and spouse relationships were found to be transmission risk factors.

Title: Impact assessment of non-pharmaceutical interventions against coronavirus disease 2019 and influenza in Hong Kong: an observational study.
Description: Examined, are measures that have been implemented to suppress local transmission of COVID-19.

Title: Experience with Social Distancing Early in the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States: Implications for Public Health Messaging
Description: The outcomes of shelter-in-place order non-compliance, and sentiment about the crisis across the US.

Title: COVID-19—ethical guidance
Description: This guidance note addresses some of the main ethical challenges likely to arise during this pandemic within healthcare settings. Wherever possible, links to other sources of advice are provided.

Title: COVID-19: a synthesis of clinical experience in UK intensive care settings
Description: A rapid dissemination summary report of a facilitated ‘Knowledge Sharing Session’ between UK clinicians with considerable experience of ICU management of COVID-19 infected patients.

Title: COVID-19—Masks on or off?
Description: The authors initially state that: “Masks act as a symbol for society – you are protected. The evidence says you may not be”.  They then go on to discuss relevant findings from the evidence-base.

Title: Reflections on leadership in the time of COVID-19
Description: In this commentary, the author discusses best leadership practices with regards to proactivity, evolving   governance structures, quick decision implementation, and effective communication.

For additional support on accessing the publications above, visit www.wkp.nhs.uk

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