Monday, 3 December 2018

Four signature behaviours- November



Do what we say we will do

Carly received “A big shout” certificate this month– this has been sent out throughout the Worcestershire Health and Care Trust. She has been praised for her document supply service and turn around, as well as support to clinical staff
 No delays, every day

There was a computer broken in training room 2.  To prevent cancellations the room was set up with a laptop and instructions so that the training sessions could continue without disruptions
We listen, we learn, we lead

I wanted to share I was really impressed with the service Diane provided to two staff members (I happened to be in one of the study rooms and observed what happened). It was around 4.30pm and I believe there were some issues with the Printer not working properly and two staff needing to print some urgent documentation – one for an interview they had following day and one for a presentation which then needed to be laminated (also needed the following day) so both staff members were quite anxious.
I understand the library closes around 4.30 and Diane didn’t leave much before 5.30/6 as wanted to stay and resolve the issues the staff were having. She was very kind and I felt went over and above to help these people.

Work together, celebrate together


We have booked our Christmas meal
We had about 55 articles come in within 24 hours to Rowlands. The other two sites did the articles as we were very busy at Rowlands with e-learning users.

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