Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Point of care evidence-based information resources.

Worcestershire Health Libraries are keen to discover from clinical staff working for the NHS in Worcestershire the existing level of use and preferences for ‘point of care’ evidence-based online resources such as UpToDate and BMJ’s Best Practice.

We are planning to set up free trials over the summer of 2012 to give staff the opportunity to use these resources in clinical settings and give us feedback.  Resources being considered for trial include UpToDate, Dynamed, BMJ Best Practice/Clinical Evidence, OvidMD, MDConsult, Essential Evidence Plus but these will be decided based on feedback from staff.

If this is an area of interest to you please contact lucy.vaux-harvey@worcsacute.nhs.uk with your preferred choice of resources to trial (max. 2 from the list above or alternatives) and brief reasons for recommending them.  It would also be useful to know whether you are willing to be involved in providing some feedback on the resources following the trials.

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