Wednesday, 30 May 2012

NHS Evidence Healthcare Databases - redesign

The new features of HDAS include:

  • Clearer screen designs and styles
  • Advanced search – search screen
  • Improved thesaurus layout and functions
  • Advanced search – search preview.

Please note the following training resources are available:

Healthcare Databases Advanced Search redesign: What’s new leaflet 

Healthcare Databases Advanced Search: Redesign presentation

Healthcare Databases Advanced Search: A short guide

If you have any questions surrounding the launch of the new Healthcare Databases Search please contact staff at your local library.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

NHS Evidence Updates

Evidence Updates

Evidence Updates are publications produced by NICE that provide a summary of selected new evidence published since a literature search was last conducted for the accredited guidance in a particular field. They identify new evidence that might reinforce or generate future change to the practice laid out in the guidance, and should be read in conjunction with the relevant clinical guideline.

Please note: Evidence Updates do not replace current accredited guidance and do not provide formal practice recommendations.
More information about the process.

Key Benefits of Evidence Updates  
  • They reduce the need for individuals, managers and commissioners to search for new evidence.
  • They can provide reassurance that current guidance remains valid but also inform guidance developers of new evidence in their field that might generate future change to practice.
  • They are an aid to continuing professional development, policy development, service delivery planning and commissioning.

Published Evidence Updates - by specialty

Blood and immune system



Central nervous system

Digestive system (liver diseases)

Gynaecology, pregnancy and birth

Infectious diseases

Mental health and behavioural conditions



Thursday, 17 May 2012

Cookies and the law

A cookie is a small file downloaded onto a user’s computer, laptop etc when they visit certain websites. They are then sent back to the originating website on subsequent visits and help to identify user preferences. They are also vital for the process of online purchasing and (anonymously) in gathering information for statistics, such as number of visits/visitors and pages visited - most of the cookies collecting statistical information are not stored on the user's computer.

In May last year new legislation was introduced which prevented companies from using cookies to gather information about their users’ online activities without having to ask permission from the users. From 26 May 2012, organisations must actively inform people that they use cookies and obtain visitors’ consent to do so or face receiving a large fine.

As a result of this, you will probably visit websites which have popups or a banner at the top of the page asking you whether or not you are happy to accept cookies.

Further reading

ICC UK cookie guide
International Chamber of Commerce UK

Guidance on the new cookies regulations
Information Commissioner's Office

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Point of care evidence-based information resources.

Worcestershire Health Libraries are keen to discover from clinical staff working for the NHS in Worcestershire the existing level of use and preferences for ‘point of care’ evidence-based online resources such as UpToDate and BMJ’s Best Practice.

We are planning to set up free trials over the summer of 2012 to give staff the opportunity to use these resources in clinical settings and give us feedback.  Resources being considered for trial include UpToDate, Dynamed, BMJ Best Practice/Clinical Evidence, OvidMD, MDConsult, Essential Evidence Plus but these will be decided based on feedback from staff.

If this is an area of interest to you please contact with your preferred choice of resources to trial (max. 2 from the list above or alternatives) and brief reasons for recommending them.  It would also be useful to know whether you are willing to be involved in providing some feedback on the resources following the trials.

Friday, 4 May 2012

FY1s - free 12 month subscription to BMJ BestPractice

BMJ Publishing are offering a 12 month free subscription to Best Practice to all FY1s.  To sign up go to

According to their website,  Best Practice combines "the latest research evidence, guidelines and expert opinion – presented in a step-by-step approach, covering prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Best Practice provides a second opinion in an instant, without the need for checking multiple resources". more information can be found at


The information on here is aimed at keeping the user up-to-date with news and resources available through the library. We take no responsibility for any actions taken due to the content of the site.