Wednesday, 21 April 2021

62 Coronavirus Bulletin— 21/04/21


Worcestershire Health Libraries: 

62 Coronavirus Bulletin— 21/04/21

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Article—The impact of a virtual cardiology outpatient clinic in the COVID-19 era

Restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic have demanded an innovative approach to provide appropriate patient review. We have been running virtual cardiology clinics as per Health Service Executive guidance.

Click here for full text

Article— Experiences and emotional strain of NHS frontline workers during the peak of the COVID19 pandemic.

The mental health of the population has been negatively affected due to the pandemic. Frontline healthcare workers with increased exposure to COVID diagnosis, treatment and care were especially likely to report psychological burden, fear, anxiety and depression. 

Click here for full text

Article—Comparison of the antiviral effect of Arbidol and Chloroquine in treating COVID-19

These results suggest that Arbidol is advantageous over Chloroquine in terms of the SARS-CoV-2 negative conversion and the length of hospital stay in treating COVID-19 patients

Click here for full text article


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Decision—Regulatory approval of COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca

Information for healthcare professionals and the public about the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca.

Click here for government information

Guidance—NICE publishes single guideline for managing COVID-19

One year on from the first national lockdown, NICE has today (23 March) published a single guideline for the management of COVID-19 in children and adults.

Click here for guidance

Guidance—COVID-19 vaccination: blood clotting information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals on blood clotting following COVID-19 vaccination

Click here for government guidance

 Report—Coronavirus and People with Learning Disabilities Study

This Wave 1 report researched the experiences of people with learning disabilities and coronavirus (COVID-19). The study started in September 2020 and involved interviewing people with learning disabilities and hearing their own personal stories and experiences. 

Click here for University of Warwick full report


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