Thursday, 11 March 2021

56 Coronavirus Bulletin— 10/03/21


Worcestershire Health Libraries: 

56 Coronavirus Bulletin— 10/03/21

Research— COVID-19 vaccination in patients with diabetes mellitus: Current concepts, uncertainties and challenges

Aim of paper to summarize the available evidence on the use of COVID-19 vaccines in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Click here for full text


Research— SARS2 simplified scores to estimate risk of hospitalization and death among patients with COVID-19.

Study examines utility of simpler models for estimating risk of hospitalization of patients with COVID-19 and mortality of these patients based on demographic characteristics (sex, age, race, median household income based on zip code) and smoking status of 12,347 patients who tested positive.

Click here for full text


Research—Risk of adverse outcomes in patients with underlying respiratory conditions admitted to hospital with COVID-19: a national, multicentre prospective cohort study using the ISARIC WHO Clinical Characterisation Protocol UK

Analysis of data from CCP-UK (n=75,463) found those with severe asthma or COPD had increased mortality rates, after adjustment for a range of comorbidities. Use of inhaled steroids ≤2 weeks of admission was associated with decreased mortality in those with asthma aged ≥50 years.

Click here for full text

Research—Bacterial and fungal co-infections among COVID-19 patients in intensive care unit.

Study aimed to investigate the frequency and characteristics of respiratory co-infections in COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit (ICU).

Click here for full text

 Research and Analysis— Lateral flow device specificity in phase 4 (post-marketing) surveillance

New analysis showing that lateral flow tests (LFDs) have a specificity of at least 99.9% when used to test in the community, and could be as high as 99.97%.

Click here  for  documents

Guidance— Methods for the detection and identification of SARS-CoV-2 variants

This technical guidance provides guidance to laboratories, microbiology experts and relevant stakeholders in making decisions on establishing or scaling up capability and capacity to detect and identify circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants, and in making decisions on which technologies to use and for which objective.

Click here for guidance

 Guidance— COVID-19: ventilation of indoor spaces to stop the spread of coronavirus

Guidance on the ventilation of indoor spaces to stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

Click here for government guidance

 Resources—COVID-19 vaccination: British Sign Language resources

This resource contains British Sign Language (BSL) videos on COVID-19 vaccination.

Click here for resources

 Podcast—Sir Michael Marmot on COVID-19, inequality, and the future of society

Professor Sir Michael Marmot joins Jessamy and Gavin to discuss how inequality and injustice have directly contributed to poorer COVID-19 outcomes, and what has to change in society post-pandemic.

Click here for podcast


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