Thursday, 2 July 2020

Latest COVID-19 Research & Evidence — 01/07/20


Title: The Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Technology Adoption in Healthcare
Description: This article explores the adoption and growth of technology tools including; telehealth, artificial       intelligence, and robotics over the first 90 days of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.

Title: COVID-19 in patients with rheumatic diseases in northern Italy
Description: This study aimed to analyse the course of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with rheumatic and       musculoskeletal diseases living in a district of Lombardy with a high prevalence of COVID-19.

Title: Up and about: Older adults’ wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic in a Swedish longitudinal study
Description: Annual changes in four aspects of wellbeing over five years (2015–2020) were analysed: life            satisfaction, financial satisfaction, self-rated health, and loneliness—in a sample of 1071 adults aged 60-71.


Title: Criteria for releasing COVID-19 patients from isolation
Description: This scientific brief examines current evidence on the risks of transmission of COVID-19 from an       infected mother-to-baby through breastfeeding as well as evidence on risks to child health from not breastfeeding.

Title: Vitamin D for COVID-19
Description: This evidence summary sets out the best available evidence on vitamin D for preventing or treating COVID-19, or for the susceptibility to COVID-19 based on vitamin D status.

Expert Opinions

Title: How should surgeons obtain consent during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Description: Now that hospitals are resuming elective surgery, this opinion piece explores what surgeons should tell patients about the perioperative risks of COVID-19.

Title: Covid-19 antibody tests: a briefing
Description: Antibody tests are a potentially useful tool in the pandemic response—but what are they, how do they work, and are they all the same? Chris Baraniuk explains.

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