Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Latest COVID-19 Research & Evidence — 10/06/20


Title: Quality and safety in the time of Coronavirus: design better, learn faster
Description: This article sets out quality improvement and patient safety science, applying them in a selection of approaches, methods and tools, which may be useful in crisis situations such as the current pandemic.

Title: In-hospital airway management of COVID-19 patients
Description: In this review, the authors describe a practical, stepwise protocol for safe in-hospital management of patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection.

Title: Abrupt deterioration and pulmonary embolism in COVID-19: a case report
Description: A case is presented highlighting pulmonary embolism as an important complication of COVID-19 and the abruptness with which deterioration and widespread pulmonary infiltrates can develop.


Title: Remdesivir for treating hospitalised patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19
Description: This review aims to establish the clinical effectiveness, safety and cost effectiveness of remdesivir in adults, young people and children hospitalised with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.

Title: Perioperative care of patients with hip and major fragility fractures during the COVID-19 pandemic
Description: This document provides principles, recommendations and comments on the care given to patients with hip fracture, but these can be extended to the care of patients with fragility fractures at other sites.

Expert Opinions

Title: Responding to COVID-19: What’s the Problem?
Description: This commentary argues that the coronavirus pandemic should be considered as a transdisciplinary societal challenge that requires coordinated systemic thinking and actions in the context of uncertainty.

Title: Telemedicine will not keep us apart in COVID-19 pandemic
Description: The authors describe their experiences in a high-flux rheumatological centre. More specifically, how lessons learnt on telemedicine protocols will be implemented within their next clinical practice reorganisation.

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