Thursday, 8 February 2018

New Books available at the libraries on Human Factors

Did you attend the recent Human Factors training delivered by the Service Transformation Team?

Worcestershire Health Libraries now have a number of books from the course reading list available for loan.

Dekker, Sidney.  (2014)  The field guide to understanding human error.  WA229 - 2 copies
Chabris, Christopher.  (2015)  The invisible gorilla: and other ways our intuition deceives us.  WLM150 - 2 copies
Kahneman, Daniel.  (2012)  Thinking fast and slow.  WLM450 - 2 copies
Martin, Paul.  (2003)  Counting Sheep: the science of and pleasures of sleep and dreams.  WL722 - 2 copies

Syed, Matthew.  (2015)  Black box thinking: marginal gains and the secrets of high performance.  WLM450   2 copies

All can be ordered on-line or pop into your local health library

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