engine that makes it easier to find and apply relevant knowledge.
Recognises clinical concepts and offers shortcuts
Current content across 30+ medical specialties
Easy to discover, share and apply knowledge anywhere
Content from Elsevier, the name healthcare
professionals worldwide rely on
Create a personal account for access to special features:
1. Go to www.clinicalkey.com and click on “Login”, then “OpenAthens login” to open an Athens Authentication page
2. Enter your Athens username and password, to be taken back to www.ClinicalKey.com or the target page.
3. First time users: click on “activate personalisation” in the top right corner of your screen, and create your personal profile for additional functionality (book PDF, export images etc).
4. You can access ClinicalKey anytime, anywhere using your Athens details.
Contact us with any questions and start using ClinicalKey today!
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