Wednesday, 21 May 2014

NHS Trial Access to Springer’s Medical e-books and e-journals.

Springer is giving all NHS employees and entitled personnel free access to Springer´s medical and health content at as part of a national pilot project, which runs until the 31st of October 2014.

You can access 1800+ eJournals (post 1997) and 40,000+ eBook titles (post 2005) without charge or obligation on:

How to access this content in 3 simple steps

  • Go to and choose Sign up/Log in from the menu bar at the top right of the page
  • Choose Institutional/Athens login

·      Choose NHS from the Select your institution drop-down menu under Log in via Athens and login with your NHS OpenAthens credentials.

Don’t have an NHS OpenAthens account? 

Go to to create an account.   Use an * or * email account and select the organisation you work for to gain immediate access to all your eligible resources.

Springer are just one publisher involved in this JISC funded trial.  Other publishers who have agreed to take part include: AAAS, Annual Reviews, Elsevier, IOP Publishing, Nature Publishing Group, Oxford University Press, Royal Society of Chemistry.  Access arrangements are still being finalised for some of these publishers, more details to follow soon.

If you have any questions regarding this trial please contact

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