Thursday, 29 May 2014

Six Book Challenge Reminder

Six Book Challenge 2014
20th January 2014 – 30th June 2014
With only a month to go until the Six Book Challenge ends we would like to remind anyone who has joined but not completed to read your six books and pop your reading diary into one of the Worcestershire Health Libraries to ensure you are entered into the prize drawers.

It isn’t too late to join! Just ask in your local health library to sign up and away you go.

The Challenge invites you to pick six reads and record your reading in a diary in order to get a certificate and the chance to enter both a national prize draw to win a trip to London or Kobo e-readers as well as local prize draws.       
You can read anything you like in print or online - books, magazine articles, websites, whatever suits you.
To get you started, Worcestershire public libraries have loaned a community collection of titles to the health libraries at Worcester, Evesham, Redditch & Kidderminster Hospitals.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

NHS Trial Access to Springer’s Medical e-books and e-journals.

Springer is giving all NHS employees and entitled personnel free access to Springer´s medical and health content at as part of a national pilot project, which runs until the 31st of October 2014.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Smartcard Poster

/EasysiteWeb/getresource.axd?AssetID=45920&servicetype=Attachment Your Smartcard
A new smartcard poster has been designed and is now available for you to display in your Ward/ Department.
This poster should act as a reminder for smartcard users as to their responsibilities regarding passwords and sharing of cards.

Please print and display this poster in your staff areas by clicking on the image to the left.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Journal A-Z - Athens login now required

Our Journals A-Z now requires Athens login before you can search for content.  In the past our listing was openly available on the internet.  Athens login was only required when clicking through to subscription content.

By securing the whole site behind Athens we are able to make local usernames/passwords more readily available to you and some technical issues with searching and incorrect linking can be resolved.

Please note, our Journals A-Z is still available to view without logging on from our Intranet pages.  

Go to the following and click on 

Acute Trust:
Health and Care Trust:

Athens login or a local username/password login will still be required in most cases on the publisher’s website before you can view fulltext content.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

NOW AVAILABLE for Acute Trust staff - Dynamed

NOW AVAILABLE for Acute Trust staff - Dynamed evidence-based clinical information resource.

Worcestershire Health Libraries have purchased a subscription to Dynamed.  This resource is useful for any member of staff who needs to quickly and easily find the most current evidence-based information about a particular diagnosis, disease or treatment.

New Clinical Librarian Project

Worcestershire Health Libraries are piloting a new service for ward staff at the Alexandra Hospital. From April 2014, for 3 months, David Chamberlain will pilot a face to face, electronic and paper evidence-based query service for all staff on the 6 surgical wards.  


The information on here is aimed at keeping the user up-to-date with news and resources available through the library. We take no responsibility for any actions taken due to the content of the site.