Monday, 28 February 2011

New Map of Medicine Persistent Pain Pathway

Worcestershire Health Libraries are pleased to announce that a new pathway for ‘Persistent Pain Management’ has been published.

The pathway, aimed at the GP community, has been developed by the Pain Working Group to highlight local policies and practice, to emphasise referral routes, to promote self management and to ingrain best evidence into practice. This will result in better pain management in Primary Care.

The pathway can be accessed via the Map of Medicine. The Map of Medicine is a website that integrates local information (guidelines, contact details, websites, patient information) and policy with national guidelines in a visual flowchart. It is easy to map the entire patient journey from presentation to conclusion and all the appropriate steps in-between.  

The Map of Medicine can be accessed with your Smartcard or via an Athens username and password. A Desktop Icon is also available for quick access. See our presentations on the Worcestershire Health Libraries Website for more details on the Map of Medicine. The presentations are down the left hand side. If you require further information on the Map of Medicine or would like to discuss ideas for new pathways please contact

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