Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Focus Group Feedback

Here are the results of recent Focus Groups carried out by Worcestershire Health Libraries

They were conducted with Allied Health Professionals and Professions Allied to Technical Services because these groups were identified as low users of the library services

8 focus groups conducted September - November 2010
40 people gave us their views

Induction sessions are important...  
staff are not aware of the full range of resources ...
So we’ve arranged to see new staff as part of their departmental induction and will lobby to be on Trust inductions   
There is a limited knowledge of remotely available services...
with staff not having the time to visit the library...
So we’ve run departmental training sessions, set up stalls at training days and displays outside the staff restaurant to raise awareness of our virtual services

Evidence-Based culture is not yet embedded...
many staff are not aware of high-quality web-based resources and use general search engines without links to free, evidence-based information...
so we’ve identified Team Knowledge Officers who can work with us to promote evidence-based practice in their teams 

Some electronic resources are not straightforward to use...
passwords, unfamiliarity and poor design can be barriers...
so we’ve re-designed our web-site and are offering training on how to use NHS Evidence

Library staff are appreciated...
but the library environment can be intimidating...
so all staff have been reminded to create a welcoming atmosphere conducive to study and “we’re here to help” posters are displayed

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