Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Focus Group Feedback

Here are the results of recent Focus Groups carried out by Worcestershire Health Libraries

They were conducted with Allied Health Professionals and Professions Allied to Technical Services because these groups were identified as low users of the library services

8 focus groups conducted September - November 2010
40 people gave us their views

Induction sessions are important...  
staff are not aware of the full range of resources ...
So we’ve arranged to see new staff as part of their departmental induction and will lobby to be on Trust inductions   
There is a limited knowledge of remotely available services...
with staff not having the time to visit the library...
So we’ve run departmental training sessions, set up stalls at training days and displays outside the staff restaurant to raise awareness of our virtual services

Evidence-Based culture is not yet embedded...
many staff are not aware of high-quality web-based resources and use general search engines without links to free, evidence-based information...
so we’ve identified Team Knowledge Officers who can work with us to promote evidence-based practice in their teams 

Some electronic resources are not straightforward to use...
passwords, unfamiliarity and poor design can be barriers...
so we’ve re-designed our web-site and are offering training on how to use NHS Evidence

Library staff are appreciated...
but the library environment can be intimidating...
so all staff have been reminded to create a welcoming atmosphere conducive to study and “we’re here to help” posters are displayed

Monday, 15 November 2010

Want to know more about Health Libraries

There is an interesting article in the latest edition of the British Journal of Healthcare Assistants. The article is available from any of our Health Libraries and focuses on using a library and all the services you can expect from Health Libraries. The article details are below - email us if you would like a copy.

British Journal of Healthcare Assistants
Vol. 4, Iss. 11 Nov 2010 pp538-540
Beyond borrowing books: make the most out of libraries
Ian Peate, Pauline Pickering

Monday, 1 November 2010

Stay up-to-date in Mental Health

Visit Worcestershire Health Libraries Mental Health Current Awareness for all the latest news, views and research in the Mental Health field.

Find all the latest published research available through Worcestreshire Health Libraries covering the whole spectrum of Mental Health.

Friday, 29 October 2010

Student Placement Workshops

Worcestershire Health Libraries are running a series of Health Information Workshops for student nurses on placement. These training events are supported by mentors and clinical facilitators - so book now to avoid disappointment!

Content of training includes:
  • Identifying Health Information Resources
  • Searching clinical databases such as CINAHL and Medline
  • Critical appraisal of the evidence
We will help you improve the skills needed to write better assignments and develop Evidence-Based Practice in the workplace. Dates and details of how to book your place are below.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

NHS Evidence and RCN Survey

Take part in the ‘NHS Evidence and Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Survey’ 

NHS Evidence is teaming up with the RCN to conduct a survey to understand the information searching needs and behaviours of nurses and health care assistants (HCAs).  The survey explores how you access and use health and social care resources, including any barriers you have experienced.   

Complete the survey online at: 

Alternatively, request a paper copy by emailing

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Literature Search Service Supports You and the NHS

If you are having trouble finding the information yourself, don't have the time or would like an experienced information professional to carry out a search for you then request a literature search today.

Here are the results of our latest literature search evaluation;
  • 48 searches conducted in one quarter (July to Sept 2010)
  • 38 clinicians contacted – 79% response rate 
  • 89% found search increased their clinical knowledge 
  • 84% said the new knowledge improved patient care 
  • 134 clinical hours saved by library staff doing the literature search (3½ weeks of clinical time) 
  • 24% of requests by consultants
Below are just a few responses from our satisfied customers; 

my practice is now safer”
 “excellent speedy service”
 “making evidence-based decisions and saving time”
 “making informed decisions”
 “has helped with a specific dilemma”
 “found information that I didn’t know was out there”
 “part of a civilised evidence-based working system”
 “Knowledge will beneficially impact on the patient”


Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Did you know?

You can now fill in and send forms from the Worcestershire Health Libraries website without having to print them out and post them, which we hope will save you time. There are forms to request an article, request a book or ask for a literature search or training session. Give them a try when you need some help or information and let us know what you think.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

New WHL Website

We are pleased to direct you to the new Worcestershire Health Libraries website Please take a look and let Sarah know what you think.

We hope you like the new website and find the new design easy to use and quicker to get to the information you need, when you need it!

Library Team

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Just joined a NHS Trust in Worcestershire?

If you have missed us at your induction then all is not lost. Visit your nearest Health Library to see how we can help with your information needs. Click the image on the left to see where our libraries are based.

Alternatively you can email to arrange a team induction or a Library presentation for your next team meeting. We can show you and your team how to get the most from Worcestershire Health Libraries and our resources.

Library Team

Monday, 9 August 2010

New Newsletter

To coincide with the launch of this blog and our new website we have also launched a new newsletter. This will pull all the relevant stories from this blog into a double sided A4 bulletin. This new format replaces Knowledge Update.

Worcestershire Health Libraries

Welcome to Worcestershire Health Libraries news and current events blog. Here you will find the latest about libraries, learning and health care. This site compliments our brand new library site available at Visit our new website today to access books, journals, training, electronic resources and more!

Library Team


The information on here is aimed at keeping the user up-to-date with news and resources available through the library. We take no responsibility for any actions taken due to the content of the site.