Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Clinical Key September Special Event Support

 Clinical Key September Special Event Support

Each month Clinical Key publish a social media toolkit that we advertise to show how Clinical Key can be used to support certain campaigns.

Below is the bulletin for September.


All month - World Alzheimer's Awareness Month Download visual here

Its #WorldAlzheimersMonth Let's shine a spotlight on dementia this month and highlight how taking the time to talk about dementia can have a huge impact for people affected by it. Check out your ClinicalKey account to learn more about this disease!/search/dementia%20  

 #healthdays2021  #ClinicalKey #Alzheimer #Dementia #Neurology #Geriatrics



September 10th : Suicide Prevention Day Download visual here

It’s #WorldSuicidePreventionDay. Did you know that suicide prevention efforts have relied heavily on gatekeeper training programs, but this approach alone will not be successful? Let’s get together to raise awareness about suicide prevention and read more about it in your ClinicalKey account!/search/Suicide%20prevention%20  

 #healthdays2021  #ClinicalKey #suicide #MentalHealth #Depression #Psychology


Note: we will focusing on more content around this topic, to be communicated first week of September.


September 13th: World Sepsis Day Download visual here

#WorldSepsisDay is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against sepsis. Sepsis accounts for at least 11 million deaths worldwide annually. Yet, depending on country and education, sepsis is known only to 7 – 50 % of the people. Likewise, it is poorly known that sepsis can be prevented by vaccination and clean care and that early recognition and treatment reduces sepsis mortality by 50 %. This lack of knowledge makes sepsis the number one preventable cause of death worldwide. Let’s raise awareness and read more about sepsis prevention in your ClinicalKey account!/content/book/3-s2.0-B9780323695787000168?scrollTo=%23hl0000491  

 #healthdays2021  #ClinicalKey #sepsis #PreventiveHealth


September 17th: World Patient Safety Day Download visual here

During the continuing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, a combination of virtual and other activities are being planned by WHO to observe and celebrate the #WorldPatientSafetyDay in September 2021. WHO urges all stakeholders to “Act now for safe and respectful childbirth!” with the theme “Safe maternal and newborn care”. Did you know that approximately 810 women die every day from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth? In addition, around 6700 newborns die every day, amounting to 47% of all under-5 deaths. 

Check out your ClinicalKey account to learn more about this problem!/search/safe%20maternal%20   

#healthdays2021  #ClinicalKey #safematernal #PatientSafety 


Note: Did you know that besides content we have at Elsevier a Quality and Patient Safety Manager? Feel free to reach out if you or your board of Directors would like to know more about this.


September 27th to October 3rd: UK National Inclusion Week Download visual here

#NationalInclusionWeek2021 How can we make an active and positive contribution to accelerate equity, inclusion and diversity within our businesses and in the communities we serve? Check out the summer Empower sessions on Diversity, Inclusion and Equity by ClinicalKey. Watch the panel discussion among diversity experts, learn how to create Diversity & Inclusion boards at the NHS Trusts and find out more about the tools that can help you to increase diversity. Click on your ClinicalKey resource center to watch the webinars on-demand  and feel free to reach out to us if you are interest on updates about Diversity in Healthcare:

#healthdays2021  #unitedforinclusion #empowerdiversity #Diversity #Equity #Inclusion

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

UpToDate® for Clinicians


UpToDate® for Clinicians 

Physicians | Nurses | Pharmacists

Every patient deserves to receive the best possible care from clinicians, confident in their decisions. That is why health systems and clinicians around the world turn to UpToDate every day. Over 80 research studies conclude that using UpToDate at the point of care helps improve outcomes and service delivery.

Join our free 30-minute LIVE session to learn more about UpToDate, including:


Creating an account

Earning and submitting CME/CPD

Conducting a normal/advanced search

Customizing your UpToDate homepage

Help reduce medication errors with Drugs & Drug Interactions

COVID-19 common questions and answers

What's New & Practice Changing Updates

Patient engagement/safety

The session will be held on-

Tuesday, June 22nd 1.00 PM

Please click on the link below to join the session, if this doesn't work, please copy and paste into a browser


Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Virtual Book Box Service


Virtual Book Box Service Coming Soon!

Worcestershire Health Libraries are launching a new service to allow easy access to content on specific topics to as many people as possible in the easiest way possible.  Electronically via email.  We are in the process of compiling our first few virtual book boxes and will advertise shortly.  But below is a sneaky peak at one our pilot.

Wednesday, 21 April 2021

62 Coronavirus Bulletin— 21/04/21


Worcestershire Health Libraries: 

62 Coronavirus Bulletin— 21/04/21

For additional support on accessing the publications below, visit


Article—The impact of a virtual cardiology outpatient clinic in the COVID-19 era

Restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic have demanded an innovative approach to provide appropriate patient review. We have been running virtual cardiology clinics as per Health Service Executive guidance.

Click here for full text

Article— Experiences and emotional strain of NHS frontline workers during the peak of the COVID19 pandemic.

The mental health of the population has been negatively affected due to the pandemic. Frontline healthcare workers with increased exposure to COVID diagnosis, treatment and care were especially likely to report psychological burden, fear, anxiety and depression. 

Click here for full text

Article—Comparison of the antiviral effect of Arbidol and Chloroquine in treating COVID-19

These results suggest that Arbidol is advantageous over Chloroquine in terms of the SARS-CoV-2 negative conversion and the length of hospital stay in treating COVID-19 patients

Click here for full text article


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Decision—Regulatory approval of COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca

Information for healthcare professionals and the public about the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca.

Click here for government information

Guidance—NICE publishes single guideline for managing COVID-19

One year on from the first national lockdown, NICE has today (23 March) published a single guideline for the management of COVID-19 in children and adults.

Click here for guidance

Guidance—COVID-19 vaccination: blood clotting information for healthcare professionals

Information for healthcare professionals on blood clotting following COVID-19 vaccination

Click here for government guidance

 Report—Coronavirus and People with Learning Disabilities Study

This Wave 1 report researched the experiences of people with learning disabilities and coronavirus (COVID-19). The study started in September 2020 and involved interviewing people with learning disabilities and hearing their own personal stories and experiences. 

Click here for University of Warwick full report


We make every effort to ensure that the information we provide for you is the best, most appropriate and most recent available to us, but Worcestershire Health Libraries can make no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy of any information supplied. We take no responsibility for any action taken on the basis of this information.


Wednesday, 14 April 2021

61 Coronavirus Bulletin— 14/04/21


Worcestershire Health Libraries: 

61 Coronavirus Bulletin— 14/04/21

For additional support on accessing the publications below, visit


Article—Impact of the vitamin D deficiency on COVID-19 infection and mortality in Asian countries

Article aimed to investigate the association of prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and mean vitamin D level with COVID-19 infection and mortality in Asia, predicting with other confounding factors such as median age, obesity, and diabetes

Click here for full text article (Click “Download pdf” in toolbar)

Article—How SARS-CoV-2 Transformed the Clinical Laboratory: Challenges and Lessons Learned

Article describes challenges and subsequent adaptations made by each clinical laboratory section

Click here to read full text (Click pdf link)

Article—Association between pre-existing respiratory disease and its treatment, and severe COVID-19: a population cohort study

Previous studies suggested that the prevalence of chronic respiratory disease in patients hospitalised with COVID-19 was lower than its prevalence in the general population. The aim of this study was to assess whether chronic lung disease or use of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) affects the risk of contracting severe COVID-19.

Click here for full text article

Article—Assessment and management of asymptomatic COVID-19 infection: A Systematic Review

There is no standard treatment for asymptomatic COVID-19 individuals. There are no studies of adequate design to make this decision. It has been shown that most asymptomatic individuals who were followed have recovered, but this cannot be attributed to standard treatment.

Click here for full text article (Follow links to  “Full text” and then “Download PDF”)


Article—COVID-19 pandemic has been linked with six unhealthy eating behaviors

A new probe into the lingering impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic revealed correlations to six unhealthy eating behaviors, according to a new study

Click here for ScienceDaily article

Click here for original full text article

Guidance—Lateral flow validation prioritisation criteria for rapid diagnostic assays for specific SARS-CoV-2 antigens

An overview of the future requirements for rapid COVID-19 diagnostic assays for antigen lateral flow devices.

Click here for government guidance

Guidance—The R value and growth rate in England

The latest reproduction number (R) and growth rate of coronavirus (COVID-19) in England.

Click here for latest government guidance

Guidance— COVID-19 guide for social workers and occupational therapists supporting adults with learning disabilities and autistic adults

Read Social Care Institute for Excellence guidance here

Guidance—Safeguarding adults with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic

This quick guide aims to support care providers and staff to safeguard people with dementia during the pandemic.

Read Social Care Institute for Excellence guidance here

Opinion— Hard choices emerge as link between AstraZeneca vaccine and rare clotting disorder becomes clearer

Some scientists suggest halving the dose might reduce risks and help protect more people from COVID-19

Click here for American Association for the Advancement of Science opinion piece

We make every effort to ensure that the information we provide for you is the best, most appropriate and most recent available to us, but Worcestershire Health Libraries can make no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy of any information supplied. We take no responsibility for any action taken on the basis of this information.


Wednesday, 7 April 2021

60 Coronavirus Bulletin— 07/04/21


Worcestershire Health Libraries: 

60 Coronavirus Bulletin— 07/04/21

For additional support on accessing the publications below, visit

Article—Diabetes-related acute metabolic emergencies in COVID-19 patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

COVID-19 is associated with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar state (HHS) and euglycaemic DKA (EDKA); however, evidence regarding parameters affecting outcome and mortality rates is scarce.

Click here for full text

Article COVID-19 Associated Pneumonia: A review of chest radiograph and computed tomography findings.

Medical imaging, including chest radiography and computed tomography, plays a major role in the diagnosis and follow-up of patients with COVID-19 associated pneumonia. This review aims to summarise current information on this topic based on the existing literature.

Click here for full text

Article—Thromboembolism and the Oxford–AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine: side-effect or coincidence?

Danish registry study (n=4, 915 ,426, 9 years of data) suggests that the reported number of thromboembolic events with the AZ vaccine does not seem to be increased vs incidence rates from the entire Danish population before the introduction of the vaccination programme.

Click here for The Lancet full text article

Article—Post-covid syndrome in individuals admitted to hospital with covid-19: retrospective cohort study

Study (n=47 780 at NHS hospitals in England) found those discharged from hospital after covid-19 had increased rates of multiorgan dysfunction compared with the expected risk in the general population; over mean of 140 days, ~ third of discharged patients were readmitted.

Click here for BMJ full text

Article—Adherence to the test, trace, and isolate system in the UK: results from 37 nationally representative surveys

Findings from 37 nationally representative surveys in the UK, 2 March 2020 to 27 January 2021 (74 697 responses from 53 880 people) suggest levels of adherence to test, trace, and isolate are low, although some improvement has occurred

Click here for BMJ full text

Guidance—NICE publishes single guideline for managing COVID-19

One year on from the first national lockdown, NICE has today (23 March) published a single guideline for the management of COVID-19 in children and adults.

Click here for guidance

 Statistics—Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey, antibody and vaccination data for the UK: 30 March 2021

Antibody and vaccination data by UK country and regions in England from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey. This survey is being delivered in partnership with University of Oxford, University of Manchester, Public Health England and Wellcome Trust.

Click here for Office of National Statistics

Report— Volunteering, Covid & integrated care: challenges & opportunities

This report, produced in partnership with Public Policy Project, argues that the volunteer resource available during Covid-19 must be permanently embedded into the NHS and social care to deliver on proposed government health care reforms and achieve better outcomes for communities.

Click here for report


We make every effort to ensure that the information we provide for you is the best, most appropriate and most recent available to us, but Worcestershire Health Libraries can make no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy of any information supplied. We take no responsibility for any action taken on the basis of this information.


Wednesday, 24 March 2021

58 Coronavirus Bulletin— 24/03/21


Worcestershire Health Libraries: 

58 Coronavirus Bulletin— 24/03/21

For additional support on accessing the publications below, visit

 Article— Recovering cancer screening in the pandemic: strategies and their impacts.

The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted cancer screening programmes. Kregting and colleagues' microsimulation models indicate that attempting to quickly catch up with missed screens while simultaneously restarting the ongoing programme would achieve better outcomes but require substantial increases in normal screening capacity that may not be feasible.

Click here for full text

Article—Pain Manifestations of COVID-19 and Their Association With Mortality: A Multicenter Prospective Observational Study.

OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence and breakdown of pain symptoms among patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection admitted for nonpain symptoms and the association between the presence of pain and intensive care unit (ICU) admission and death.

Click here for full text

Article—Vaccination and non-pharmaceutical interventions for COVID-19: a mathematical modelling study

This study estimates vaccination alone is insufficient to contain the outbreak, highlighting risks associated with early/rapid relaxation of non-pharmaceutical interventions. In their absence, most optimistic assumption leads to estimated R of 1.58 (95% CI 1.36-1.84). 

Click here for full text

Article—Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on utilisation of healthcare services: a systematic review

Review (81 studies) found healthcare utilisation decreased by about a third during the pandemic (median 37% reduction, comprising reductions for visits of 42%, admissions 28%, diagnostics 31% and for therapeutics 30%), with greater reductions among people with less severe illness.

Click here for full text


Evidence summary—Cloth Face Coverings Worn by the Public to Reduce SARS-CoV-2 Transmission

This report focuses on the effectiveness of nonmedical cloth face masks worn by the public to reduce viral transmission and on considerations for textile materials and construction that may optimally protect against viral droplets.

Click here for ERCI report

 Practice - What is my covid risk?

Article provides advice for clinicians on assessing patients risk of catching, and risk of poor outcomes from COVID-19 infection. It offers advice on reducing transmission, and other factors for modifying risks. It also helps put risk into context for patients.

Click here for practice

 Review—COVID‐19 and its cardiovascular effects

This systematic literature review indicates that cardiometabolic comorbidities are common in people who are hospitalised with a COVID‐19 infection, and cardiovascular complications are frequent.

Click here for full review

 Learning— Adapting and innovating during COVID-19

NHS Employers have collated key learning and insights based on examples of adaptation and innovation showcased by NHS trusts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Click here for innovations

 We make every effort to ensure that the information we provide for you is the best, most appropriate and most recent available to us, but Worcestershire Health Libraries can make no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy of any information supplied. We take no responsibility for any action taken on the basis of this information.




The information on here is aimed at keeping the user up-to-date with news and resources available through the library. We take no responsibility for any actions taken due to the content of the site.