Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Latest COVID-19 Research & Evidence — 27/01/21


Worcestershire Health Libraries: 

Latest COVID-19 Research & Evidence — 27/01/21




Title: Potential beneficial role of probiotics on the outcome of COVID-19 patients: An evolving perspective

Description: Probiotics can support the body’s systems infighting viral infections. This review aimed to focus current knowledge about the use of probiotics as adjuvant therapy for COVID-19 patients.

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Title: Early prone positioning therapy for patients with mild COVID-19 disease

Description: In this study, the researchers assessed the clinical significance of early prone positioning treatment (PP) versus later PP. Data from 29 patients was analysed.

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Title: Proteinuria in COVID-19: prevalence, characterization and prognostic role

Description: Here, the quantification and characterization of proteinuria in patients with COVID-19 were investigated and their association with mortality was assessed.

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Title: Infection Control in Interventional Radiology During the COVID-19 Era

Description: This articles seeks to provide an effective triage, procedural, and management algorithms that may guide other interventional radiology departments during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

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Title: Updated guide for the management of critical care adults with COVID-19

Description: This clinical guide highlights five clinically urgent issues for practising clinicians caring for critically ill adult patients during the January/February 2021 surge in COVID-19 critical illness.

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Expert Opinions


Title: Myocarditis in COVID-19 patients: current problems

Description: This brief review has the goal to revise and summarize current knowledge on myocarditis in COVID-19 patients and underline problems especially related to diagnosis and treatment.

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Title: What is happening with the vaccine rollout?

Description: In this news analysis, as NHS hospitals struggle to find enough beds for patients with COVID-19, the author examines the strain this is placing on other services.

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