Monday, 29 April 2019

April 2019

Do what we say we will do

We are pleased to have recruited Raymond Sithole – Clinical Librarian - as the latest member of the team as outlined in our organisational plan

 No delays, every day

Feedback given to Emma from the Clinical Effectiveness Manager for getting her back on-line with the Health Service Journal

“I’m in! Thank you very much for doing this so quickly!”
We listen, we learn, we lead

Comment form a Psychologist to Holly for supplying an article to her

“That was very helpful and hopefully will help us to understand more about a patient with very complex needs.” Registered Counselling Psychologist (HCPC)

Work together, celebrate together

The effort the whole team has given for getting the end of year statistics in

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

March 2019

Do what we say we will do

We have just purchased a large book order for all three sites for medical students. We will be following this order with one for Nurses and Allied health Professionals
 No delays, every day

Response after a document was supplied: “Wow! Thanks for the super speedy document supply Shophie – very much appreciated”
We listen, we learn, we lead

After a literature search was completed a user requested 20 articles - one was a duplicate, sixteen were attached to an e-mail and three had been ordered and later forwarded. There was no charge for this. The response?  “Thank you, Love you too much xxxxx”

Work together, celebrate together

“Some great work – you and the team should be really proud of your last 12 month achievements.
Please pass on my thanks to everyone as I do recognise all the hard work that has gone into this”
Tina Ricketts Director of People & Culture


The information on here is aimed at keeping the user up-to-date with news and resources available through the library. We take no responsibility for any actions taken due to the content of the site.