Monday, 18 February 2019

TOPOL Review Published

TOPOL Review Published
Exploring how to prepare the healthcare workforce, through education and training, to deliver the digital future

CILIP, the UK professional association for librarians and information professionals, has welcomed the publication of The Topol Review report Preparing the healthcare workforce to deliver the digital future.
CILIP’s response highlights the following key messages:
·         We welcome the ‘human-centred’ approach set out in the report, focused on outcomes for patients including dignity and equality of access. It is essential that the progressive agenda for the future of healthcare does not create new forms of inequality or exclusion;
·         CILIP believes that the report presents a real opportunity to transform the skills base of the healthcare workforce, while also recognising the importance of information and knowledge specialist staff in providing quality information from the Boardroom to the bedside;
·         We believe that the future envisioned by the report also depends on encouraging the development of a digitally and information-literate population as part of the ecosystem of information resilience, including new forms of health literacy;
·         We welcome and endorse the powerful insight that AI will enhance and augment information and knowledge skills in healthcare, rather than replacing them;
·         We welcome the recognition of the need to build information capability at the most senior levels in healthcare, including the proposal to ensure that every Healthcare Trust Board has a Chief Clinical Information Officer;
·         We further welcome the recognition of the need to promote cultures of knowledge sharing and the improvement of Knowledge Management practice to ensure that the NHS ‘knows what it knows’
Find out more at:

Friday, 1 February 2019

Four Signatures- January 2019

January 2019
Do what we say we will do

We provided a reading list for a local coaching course that was being run – “Just wanted to say thank you for providing this – it’s brilliant and a really helpful resource for courses and training I have coming up.” Organisational Development Manager
 No delays, every day

Speedy supply of articles to a user who was impressed with our speed of delivery.  “Wow thank you so much - very efficient!
We listen, we learn, we lead

“It has been noted by the executive team that you and your team are 100% compliant with mandatory training  showing that you are great role models for the Trust.” Director of People and Culture

Work together, celebrate together

Staff working across sites to help each other when staffing is low, making sure we still provide a fast and efficient service.


The information on here is aimed at keeping the user up-to-date with news and resources available through the library. We take no responsibility for any actions taken due to the content of the site.