Friday, 20 July 2018

Four Signature behaviours - August 2018

 Do what we say we will do

We undertake literature searches regularly.  However, recently Hannah was asked to source the original versions of patient mental health and wellbeing questionnaires for a Clinical Psychologist within our trust, e.g. the Sickness Impact Profile, or the Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale.  These were difficult to source as some had restricted copyright, or were mentioned only as a reference in other journal articles.  Of the 7 requested, she managed to source 4, and provided contact details of the holders of copyright of the other 3.
  No delays, every day

Shophie and Hannah will again do A&E drop ins on the ward to help staff get their smartcards with no delay with their identity checks
  We listen, we learn, we lead

David has had a chapter on a reading group he set up published this month in a book on Bibliotherapy . In it he has researched the benefits of reading aloud and explains in an easy guide how to set up groups on wards. David is setting up a group at New Haven and hopes to expand this work further with Occupational Therapists

  Work together, celebrate together

The library has set up links with Warwickshire and Coventry health libraries in an effort to share good practice. The universities are sharing their reading lists for medical students which ensures we will purchase the most up to date and relevant stock

Friday, 6 July 2018

Three-minute brain stimulation found effective for hard to treat depression

A new study finds that a three-minute version of a brain stimulation treatment is just as effective as the standard 37-minute version for hard-to-treat depression.  Click here for further details.

Monday, 2 July 2018

Health Information Week

2nd-8th July is Health Information Week.
Health Information Week is a multi-sector campaign to promote the good quality health resources that are available to the public.  This aims to encourage partnership working across sectors and benefit all staff and the public by raising awareness of the resources that are available to them.

Twitter: @Healthinfoweek

Click here to access a wide range of resources and guidance for yourself, your family, your patients and your colleagues 😃


The information on here is aimed at keeping the user up-to-date with news and resources available through the library. We take no responsibility for any actions taken due to the content of the site.