Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Palliative Care Awareness Day

Palliative Care Awareness Day – Thursday 4th February 2016  10.15am – 2.30pm

Worcestershire Health Libraries, in partnership with the University of Worcester, are holding a Palliative Care awareness day on World Cancer day. The Palliative Care Event at The Hive will take place on Thursday, February 4 and will look at the work of local hospices, children’s hospices, future planning and where to go for help and information. 
It has been organised in conjunction with the University of Worcester’s Centre for Palliative Care Research, which is run in partnership with St Richard’s Hospice. It will involve various speakers from the NHS and other hospices and is aimed at demystifying what care for life-limiting illnesses involves. 
The event will be held at The Hive, Worcester, with talks from representatives of:
University of Worcester’s Centre of Palliative Care research
St. Richard’s Hospice
Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust
Also included will be information on the following local and national services:
Acorns Hospice
Macmillan Information service
Primrose Hospice
Worcestershire Health Libraries – evidence-based information
This event is aimed at anyone with an interest in end of life care.
Refreshments will be provided. This is a free event.
For further information please contact David Chamberlain 01527 505773 david.chamberlain@worcsacute.nhs.uk
Or to reserve a seat go to http://www.thehiveworcester.org/whats-on
and follow “Special events” link

Monday, 4 January 2016

Power interruption at Rowlands Library

Saturday 23rd January 2016

There will be an interruption of power at the Rowlands Library (WRH) on Saturday 23rd January 2016. This will be from 9am to 1pm. We apologise for the inconvenience caused.
Library Team


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