Thursday, 19 March 2015

NHS Athens – Medline and PsycINFO database changes

NHS Athens – Medline and PsycINFO database changes

Action is required if you have saved searches or regular email alerts set up on Medline or PsycINFO databases via the NHS Healthcare Databases (HDAS).

From April 1st 2015 these databases will be provided by a new supplier and saved searches and alerts will NOT be carried over.  You will need to save your settings now and manually enter them again when the new databases are fully available from July 2015.  Between April and July both databases will be available to search on HDAS but with reduced fields and features.  Full instructions are available here.

In addition, from April 1st 2015 two new collections will be available:

Proquest Hospital Collection – 4,500 fulltext health and medical journals, plus videos and dissertations

PsycARTICLES – fulltext to over 100 journals in the behavioural sciences.

If you have any questions or problems regarding this change please contact us. 


The information on here is aimed at keeping the user up-to-date with news and resources available through the library. We take no responsibility for any actions taken due to the content of the site.