Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Six Book Challenge Winners 2014

Six Book Challenge - 2014

Congratulations to the winners of our Prize Draws!

Presentations were held on the 4 hospital sites giving our local winners a voucher and a set of books, everyone who completed the challenge also received a set of books.  The national prize draws took place at the start of July and unfortunately our readers were not successful in winning any of the prizes (always next year though!).

We would like to say a BIG thank-you to Worcestershire Public Libraries for loaning Fiction Collections to our hospital libraries and to purchasing our reading diaries and promotional material.
Those who kindly donated prizes: Tesco’s, Sainsbury’s and Morrison’s.

The Six Book Challenge 2015 will run from January – June 2015. Watch this space!

Winner at Redditch Janet McHugh with David Chamberlain, Lead Librarian – Service Development

Winner at Worcester – Suzanne Wilcox, Undergraduate Co-ordinator with Emma Gibbs, Senior Library and Informatics Assistant

Winner at Kidderminster Lyn Ord– with Jan Brown, Lead Librarian – Customer Service

Winner at Evesham Michelle Haslam

Friday, 3 October 2014

Do you need to find evidence but have limited time to search?

Do you need to find evidence but have limited time to search?
Then why not make use of the Ask a Librarian service provided by Worcestershire Health Libraries.

Medical, Allied Health, Nurse, Midwife, Healthcare Scientist,
Management, Administration
Whatever your role in Worcestershire healthcare we are here to provide a valuable service to help you reach evidence based decisions and support change within your work.

Do you find yourself asking,
Where can I find the evidence to?...

Help me with this clinical question

Show if this can be done more efficiently

See if this improvement will save money and enhance quality

Promote this change

Solve this management problem

If you need help with finding appropriate and reliable material please contact our Ask a Librarian service.  You can contact us via the following methods:

Internet- Worcestershire Health Libraries web page www.wkp.nhs.uk Click on Ask a Librarian
Intranet- Departments A-Z - Evidence Based Practice - Click on Ask a Librarian
Direct- David Chamberlain, Lead Librarian Service Development david.chamberlain@worcsacute.nhs.uk ext 45773 OR
Hannah Shakespeare, Service Development Librarian hannah.shakespeare@worcsacute.nhs.uk ext 45771

Recent searches covering diverse topics include:

Issues/dilemmas in feeding stroke patients

Overcoming ethical issues in qualitative research

Pathways and guidance on DVT

We look forward to helping you soon


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