Thursday, 27 October 2011

November 2011 Newsletter

Click on the image on the left to access the November 2011 Worcestershire Health Libraries Newsletter.

In this edition you will find...
  • -Important news on our new library catalogue
  • -Books on Prescription
  • -Library impact surveys

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Workshops for student nurses on placement

Worcestershire Health Libraries are running a series of Health Information Workshops for student nurses on placement. These workshops are recommended by mentors and clinical facilitators so book now to avoid disapointment!

Content of sessions includes:
  • identifying health information resources

  • searching clinical databases

  • evidence for your assignments and to support patient care

We will help you to improve the skills needed to write better assigments and develop Evidence-Based Practice. Dates and details of how to book your place are below.
  • Tuesday 1st & Monday 7th November - Evesham Hospital Training & Development Centre

  • Wednesday 2nd & 9th November - Education Centre, Kidderminster Treatment Centre

  • Thursday 3rd & 10th November - Education Centre, Alexandra Hospital

  • Friday 4th & 11th November - Charles Hastings Education Centre, Worcestershire Royal Hospital
All sessions take place from 1:30 - 3:00 pm. To book your place, please contact:

Rowlands Library, WRH

01905-760601 (direct) or x33760 (internal)

Monday, 3 October 2011

Social Media Primer for Healthcare Professionals

Want to know about social media and how to get the most from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Google+? Then read this article by Edward T Murphy, originally posted on Medscape, for a good introduction to social media and beyond.

Social Media Primer for Healthcare Professionals

The Social Media Explosion
Social media sites have grown in popularity among millions of people around the world. For medical professionals, these sites present new avenues for interaction with family, friends, patients, colleagues, and organizations. This article will provide an introduction to social media and the various networking opportunities they offer. With many choices and designs, these platforms provide healthcare professionals with new ways to support their work. Additionally, advice on how to get started participating in social media will be offered, and the ethical and professional concerns that have been raised about using social media will be discussed.

What Are Social Media?  
Social media are Internet-based platforms that allow people to connect and interact. Mimicking the networks that exist in our personal lives, social media aim to streamline these networks and give people the opportunity to deepen connections and share with each other to a greater extent. 

The most popular of all social networking sites, Facebook has roughly 150 million active users in the United States and 750 million worldwide. Nearly half of all Americans actively use Facebook to reconnect with former classmates and keep in contact with friends and family. Each user creates a personal profile, and makes "friend requests" to connect with individuals of their choosing. If a "friend request" is accepted, the user can see the friend's profile and shared information.

Users make "status updates" that consist of articles they are reading, random musings, details about what they are doing, and photographs they have recently uploaded. Other users are able to add comments to the updates to begin or continue a conversation. Private correspondences are possible, as well as live chats with whoever is on Facebook at the time. Use of Facebook is free, with advertisement support. 

Although popular for watching adorable kittens play and young people do foolish things, YouTube is also a place for medical professionals to learn. YouTube is different from other social media sites, because it is video-based and its goal is to provide information rather than enable interaction, connection, and discussion. YouTube presents the opportunity for healthcare professionals to share information about their practices. The American Medical Association's (AMA) YouTube page hosts videos ranging from
how physicians can advise older drivers to testimony given by Chairwoman Ardis Dee Hoven to the House Judiciary Committee.

Healthcare professionals can use YouTube for patient teaching. For example, the link to a video on how to measure blood glucose levels using different devices can be given to patients as a reminder after they have been taught this skill. New parents could watch a video on how to properly take the temperature of a sick newborn and mothers can learn how to breastfeed. This tool is a supplement, not a replacement, for traditional face-to-face patient education. 

Twitter is a much faster and minimalist version of a Facebook status update. Twitter users are limited to 140 characters per update, called a "tweet." Because of its speed, Twitter has become a hub for news and information sharing. When US Special Forces stormed Osama Bin Laden's compound, a neighbor tweeted what he saw from his window as it was happening. With its near real-time nature, Twitter has become a popular way for connecting at conferences. Using a shared "hash tag," people discussing a topic can unite their conversations under a single stream.

Attendees at the Society of General Internal Medicine conference added the hash tag "#sgim2011" to the end of their tweets. Other Twitter users who searched for that hash tag during the conference could follow along from anywhere with an Internet connection. For conference attendees, it was a way to learn about things they might have missed and connect with other colleagues who were attending the conference. Having live tweeted from conferences, I have found it a good way to make initial connections with people who share some of the same ideas and it has led to further contact and opportunities to collaborate. 

The professional Internet hub, LinkedIn, has transformed the business card from a small piece of paper that can be lost easily into an interactive and living resume. Its 120 million users share their professional profiles with other professional connections. Similar to Facebook, connections must be requested and accepted to be able to see a user's full profile. LinkedIn has become a place for recruiters to find potential job applicants and jobseekers to find job postings and people who might be employed by a particular organization. A person's name and a quick search can lead to a connection that will not be ruined by the dry cleaner. 

At the end of June 2011, Google introduced an invite-only social network that broke the 10 million user mark in only 2 weeks. A hybrid of Facebook and Twitter, Google+ allows its users to choose the people they want to follow. To organize people, Google+ has created "circles" that allow users to group people in customizable categories, such as colleagues, friends, conference attendees, or sports fans. Users determine which of their updates can be viewed by whom. The most promising feature on Google+ is the "Hangout," where up to 10 people can get together on a video chat.

At the present time, the Google+ Project is in limited field trial and is not inviting new members to join. However, the promise of Google+ is limited only by its youth. It is still growing and lags behind other social networks, but it does not appear that this will be the case for long. 

Social Media and Medical Ethics
With so many new opportunities to interact publically, social media present a challenge to healthcare professionals. The AMA released a set of social media guidelines[1] that indicate that when using social media, medical professionals should:

  • Maintain patient confidentiality and physician-patient ethical guidelines; 
  • Utilize privacy settings for personal use;
  • Constantly monitor their online presence;
  • Notify colleagues when a posting is unprofessional and report it if necessary; and
  • Remain aware that actions can have a negative impact and undermine one's career. 
Using social media can affect one's career both positively and negatively. By exercising prudence, healthcare professionals can benefit from social media. Facebook pages permit a healthcare provider to have a public profile for patients to follow that is completely separate from the provider's personal account. On the public Facebook page, providers can make announcements about new offerings at their practices and changes in their schedule, and patients can view this information without a "friend request." 
Bradley Crotty, MD, researches the use of social media by medical professionals. He says that it is important to remain aware of how social media affects one's public information. "Patients will search for you on Google," he said, "so being aware of those results is important. You will not be able to get rid of all of the personal information that you share on the Internet, but you can actively push your professional information to the top." This professional information, such as a Facebook fan page, a blog, or a standard web page, is a space that associates the name of the healthcare professional with her or his area of practice that is active and public. Keeping the space updated and professional will put it at the top of search results and leave potential patients with a positive impression of the healthcare professional. 

Looking Forward
One forward-thinking medical practice, Hello Health, is already using social media and new technology to develop an innovative practice. For a small fee each month, patients can access healthcare providers by email, in-person visit, video chats, and instant messaging. Patients can choose from these offerings, each of which has different pricing. The providers can see patients much more efficiently. By making their schedules available on the Website, patients can sign up for an appointment when it is most convenient for them.

Social media present an opportunity for professional advancement. Dr. Crotty notes, "There are times when information is shared on social media before it is formally published. I have seen grant announcements made on social media sites first. Medical professionals who follow those feeds have the advantage of applying earlier than colleagues who were not aware until later." From a public health standpoint, the potential is high. "On Twitter, one can advertise when flu vaccines are available or make announcements for new recommendations and direct patients to trustworthy information," said Dr. Crotty. It also is how I came to write this very article. A global health colleague with whom I connected on Twitter sent me an email saying that Medscape was looking to publish an article on social media. I was put in contact with the editor and this article came to exist, all thanks to a shared interest in social media and the ability of Twitter to connect us. 

Additional Resources 
Lee K-L, Ho M-J. Online social networking versus medical professionalism. Med Educ. 2011;45:523.

Hawn C. Take two aspirin and tweet me in the morning: how Twitter, Facebook, and other social media are reshaping health care. Health Aff. (Millwood) 2009;28:361-368.

Farnan J, Paro J, Higa J, Reddy S, Humphrey H, Arora V. Commentary: the relationship status of digital media and professionalism: it's complicated. Acad Med. 2009;84:1479.

Mostaghimi A, Crotty BH. Professionalism in the digital age. Ann Intern Med. 2011;154:560-562.

Young, Jennifer. How social media transformed a nonprofit medical society. Non Profit Quarterly. 2001 Aug. Accessed September 6, 2011.  

1.     American Medical Association. Professionalism in the use of social media. Accessed September 6, 2011.


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