Monday, 15 November 2010

Want to know more about Health Libraries

There is an interesting article in the latest edition of the British Journal of Healthcare Assistants. The article is available from any of our Health Libraries and focuses on using a library and all the services you can expect from Health Libraries. The article details are below - email us if you would like a copy.

British Journal of Healthcare Assistants
Vol. 4, Iss. 11 Nov 2010 pp538-540
Beyond borrowing books: make the most out of libraries
Ian Peate, Pauline Pickering

Monday, 1 November 2010

Stay up-to-date in Mental Health

Visit Worcestershire Health Libraries Mental Health Current Awareness for all the latest news, views and research in the Mental Health field.

Find all the latest published research available through Worcestreshire Health Libraries covering the whole spectrum of Mental Health.


The information on here is aimed at keeping the user up-to-date with news and resources available through the library. We take no responsibility for any actions taken due to the content of the site.